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Don’t get rid of your baby monitor yet!

Over the years as technology has advanced, you may have found yourself upgrading your baby monitors from simple audio ones, to video ones. After a certain point you may not use the baby monitors as much, especially when your baby is all grown up. We have a few ideas to put those unused baby monitors to some good use, rather than sell it on eBay or throw it away!

Playroom Monitor

It’s great when the kids are happily playing in their playroom, but if it’s a separate room to yours then laughs and fights can get muffled out due to it being far away or doors being closed. Putting the baby monitor in the children’s playroom is a good way to keep an eye on the children while you are sorting out their lunch in the kitchen. Quick glances at the monitor can show you if they are getting up to no good, or if it’s one of those precious moments where they are playing happily like best friends.

Listen out for the delivery man

Most people hate receiving those “sorry you were out cards”, especially if you were in the house or garden and just didn’t hear the doorbell. It can be a nuisance to wait another few days for that delivery to be re-directed, or worse still you would have to go out of your way to pick it up from the depot.

By placing a baby video monitor so that it is looking outside of the window, and keeping the other unit nearby you, you’ll never miss a parcel delivery again. Or better still, after realising it’s a salesperson at your door, you don’t need to worry about running to answer the door in a hurry! It’s a cost effective solution to home monitoring if you are ready to pass along your baby monitor for another use.

Hide & Seek Game

All kids love a game of hide and seek, and this is a slightly different version. If you have your monitor mounted in a room, let one child hide in that room and then give the second child the screen/monitor unit and let them pan, tilt and zoom through the room trying to find their hiding sibling/friend. If the monitor has a talk-back feature then that can provide more entertainment for them followed by lots of giggles.

Keep an eye on the pets

If your baby monitor works using your home Wi-Fi network and it allows you access using the internet from anywhere, then you can use your monitor to keep an eye on your pets even when you’re away from home for a bit. See what they really get up to when you’re out! It can double up as a home security device too, especially if it has a SD card slot for recording. So while you are away, have peace of mind knowing you can check back in at home whenever you like.

Keep an eye on a poorly child

Your child may no longer be a baby, but if they are poorly and off school then they need all the looking after to get them better again. Having a baby monitor in the room with them can be a real help, as they won’t need to shout or get up if they need you; they can just call into the monitor.

We hope you found this guide useful, or even entertaining. If you have bought a good quality baby monitor then don’t get rid of it once your baby no longer needs it. Hang on to it, and consider it an extra tool that gives you even more value for your money.


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